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Last Updated: July 6, 2023

Ready to see how your resume matches up to a specific job you’ve bookmarked? Let’s do it!

<aside> <img src="/icons/warning_red.svg" alt="/icons/warning_red.svg" width="40px" /> First and foremost - have you bookmarked your first job yet into the Job Tracker? If not, start with this article HERE. Having a job bookmarked is necessary for Matching Mode to function.


Matching Mode

<aside> <img src="/icons/arrow-right-basic_green.svg" alt="/icons/arrow-right-basic_green.svg" width="40px" /> First, navigate to Matching Mode in the Resume Builder -

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<aside> <img src="/icons/arrow-right-basic_green.svg" alt="/icons/arrow-right-basic_green.svg" width="40px" /> Once here, you’ll be prompted to select a bookmarked job. This will be the job description used to match against your resume for guidance and recommendations.

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There are several exciting elements to be leveraged in Matching Mode including:


Keyword recommendations are categorized by hard skills, soft skills, and emphasis words.

Here you can see if these words are included already in your resume (and where by selecting “highlight”), need to be included, or simply be ignored as you’ve decided they’re not relevant.

The more of these keywords you add to your resume, the higher you’ll see your match score climb!

Job Description

You can view and edit the job description on the “job description” tab - this allows you to remove any superfluous information that you’d prefer isn’t included in the analysis.

For example, if you’re seeing keywords appear from the “benefits” section, you may find that’s not helpful. You can remove that section entirely by editing the job description.

Job Notes

You can easily access your job notes from this view! Select the “job notes” tab to take a look at any previously written notes or to add notes after working through the match.

<aside> <img src="/icons/warning_red.svg" alt="/icons/warning_red.svg" width="40px" /> You may decide to duplicate this resume and match to a different job - select the “switch job” button in Matching Mode to make this change! Check it out HERE.
